From There to Nowhere: A Band's Tale of the Open Road.

With Kiera and myself still in Colorado by the time the boys stopped working, Micah and Sean came home for the time being. We had decided to play some shows, do some work, and save some money for the next step. Right around when we came back, our buddy Mike got some openings for some shows, and started jammin' with us.

We rocked out a couple of gigs and started gettin' our next few months set up. I got to see some old band mates and have a couple reunions, myself!

With Micah and Sean back home, we had some things to figure out. We've had artist working on new logo designs, we've had PR people putting the words out, and we had a brand new, killer demo ready for release. We just needed to put it all together and get this next tour set up. We were ready.
After we sent off our demo, we were gonna have a couple months of time on our hands to make money as our season was being booked. Collectively, between Kiera, Micah, our friend Mike, and myself, we started a little side project to kill time:
2 Scoops for Huck.

And kill it, we did.


And here.

And here.
Basically, we were doing just fine. I even moved in with some friends for the time being because, you know; location, location, location. Funny thing is, all my friends live together.

So with things on the up and up and some lag time in the works things were looking promising. Sean was on his way to Memphis for a few weeks and we made plans for the future to come.

So that's been the month. Stay tuned for the near tour to come from:
The Barefoot Family Caravan!!!
~Peace, love, and rock n' roll!