From There to Knowhere: A Band's Tale of the Open Road.

Here we are but a month away! This was the final count down, and we'd been preparing for this for over half a year, finally we were near the starting line. With what little time we had we were doing absolutely everything to make this tour just as amazing as we had planned!

Firstly, Travis got us a BIG, MEAN, HELLBEAST of a bus!

Not only had he accomplished this major goal, but we really started pressing forward with our promotion and marketing, and a bit of merchandising.
We had a bunch of new stickers:


And posters with dates:

Over this last month we would hit it hard, rehearsing, final planning, accumulating the last of our gear. Sean was still in Tennessee for a couple more weeks, and Travis wouldn't be here with the bus till the end month. Once Travis got here, we were gonna have to take a few days to turn the bus into a home and that fact was still looming. We had just a few more items to get.
With everyone just about here, we did everything we could to update everybody's equipment. Like Skip's new drums.

While this journey is just beginning in a sense, so is another, of which we bitter-sweetly must address. When we leave in a month, Miss Kiera Lynn will be staying behind to start her very own project. Kiera has been an amazing member of the band and a complete force of nature. With heavy hearts we induct her out of our care, but with eagerness we expect to see and hear nothing but amazing things, from this amazing artist; so keep an eye out folks, because Kiera Lynn will blow your mind!

Prepare yourselves, folks. In one short month The B.F.C. will be making our debut and tearing through the world of music! And we're a force to be reckoned with! From the West to the East, we'll be rocking some funky beats! Stay tuned!