From There to Nowhere: A Band's Tale of the Open Road.

Eugene, Oregon was just a hop, skip, and jump away from Colorado, and we made it to the show without a hitch. Whirled Pies was the first stop, a dope pizza place right downtown, their stage was amazing, and so was the service!

We set up, and rocked out!

We even had a fan and friend of ours come out all the way from Colorado just to make it to our show!

Next we were off to Ashland, we had a few days inbetween shows so we could get there and get some rehearsing in while we were at it. There's not a whole lot of recreational space on the bus so every cool spot we could find became the jam spot. The woods often provide a perfect place for down time, and a good place to get some practice in.

Our next show was at a groovy bar called Oberon's. It was a great show! We were on it, had the crowd dancing, everyone was having a good time, it was a total blast!

With the first two shows put to bed and the first leg of tour running smoothly, we were eager to see what else would come of this tour and what oppertunities were going to come our way. We began our descent into California, on our way to L.A. for our next show at the Whisky A Go-Go! We made some scenic stops along the way, stopped at the beaches, made a trip the the Avenue of the Gods in the Redwood Forrest, and now here we are: Santa Cruz. The place where the dreams of this tour started coming to fruition!
There was nothing but music and the road ahead for us now, and we were ready for whatever they had to offer us. Till next month, we'll be funkin' the nights away!

~Peace, love, and rock n' roll.