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From There to Nowhere: A Band's Tale of the Open Road.

After our brief stay in Santa Cruz we made our way down to the world famous Whisky A Go-Go! We had the pleasure of playing with many great acts that evening including the very talented Raelyn Nelson Band

The evening was a complete blast and soon we were off to San Francisco to the Brick & Mortar Lounge. It wasn't far ar all, so we made it there quick. We rocked the house and made our way down the coast, soon to be Texas bound. 

Austin was our stop. Our first place to hit, The Gotham Room. There we got to finally meet Jacob Rangel, a wonderful musician who had been helping us book out in Texas! We had a couple more shows to play with him out that way and the next was at the Carousel Lounge.

After we played here we had a couple days and the lovely Rangel's let us stay outside their lovely home. We made our way up to Taylor, Texas for a show at Drink's Taylor. There we met Eric Meyer, and he tolds us about his very cool studio we should come check out, the Noiz Faktory! This was unlike any studio any of us had every been to!

I'm talking the real deal of studios. Equipment beyond ones wildest dreams! We just hung out there that day, but be sure, we're going back for some sessions sooner than later!

So the Austin run had been successful, and after saying fare well to the Rangels, we were off to Louisiana! New orleans, here we come!

We had a fair amount of time to get to NOLA, a bit more than we had anticipated and it just so happens there was a HUGE music fest going down in San Marcos, so we figured why not throw a pop-up show in the camp grounds of Float Fest! We spent the whole day going around the campsites passing out stickers, making new friends, meeting new people, and as the sunset, we set up. Right when the fest ended, we were ready to rock.

We had managed to have one of the best crowds you could hope for! People surrounding us, just loving the music! We played a few hours before packing up and getting ready to trek on down by the mississippi!

As we made our way to New Orleans, we caught a couple snags of the mechanical kind and had to take a couple days for repairs. 

We hauled ass and fixed the vehicles so we could take a few days to canvas for our show at the Hi-Ho Lounge. New Orleans is the most amazing city we've ever been to. The food, the community, the art, it was all so inspiring! We found that the french quarter was just full of music and culture so we spent our time there. Our show just a few days away.

We stepped outside the Hi-Ho and the end of the show and ran into a street artsit just finishing up a piece on the side of the venue. Mr. Balloom Hands loved our music and we loved his work! We got to talking about the bus and he wanted to paint it and get some of his friends involved! So we set up a day that would work, and they took to it! 

We had Mr. Balloon Hands. 


Fatkids Art.

And Charlie NoMob.

New Orleans really seemed to be liking us, and that was even more evident when we started randomly getting booked for more shows! Some gals who knew of a really cool venue called Checkpoint Charlie got us a afternoon gig there, opening for Alabama Slim! We loved it and the loved us! We played a pop-up show at this art collective, Breathing Waters Gardens, and then headlined once again at Checkpoint's because they liked us so much the week earlier that had us back!

NOLA was a complete blast and we couldn't have imagined the opportunities that arose! The time had come to keep on moving down the line for the very last leg of tour in Florida, so we packes up the bus and headed south.

We only had two shows in florids to end out tour, the first being at a pub in Orlando called St. Matthew's Tavern for a local art and community event called the Twisted Bazaar. 

There were flow dancers, and painters, and a DJ who played later into the evening after us. Even an old friend, Aj Hegé, a very talented photographer, was the for a reunion of sorts! We had made it. The fin state, one show to go down in the most southern spot we could think to go; Islemorada in the florida keys.

The final venue of tour was at Florida Keys Brew Co. A charming brewing company right out amongst the tropical landscape of the keys! It was a fantastic and emotional evening, having come to the end of our journey this summer.

Here we are. The end, or rather a new beginning. Over the past year we've put gallons of blood, sweat, and tears into making this dream of ours come true. There have been ups and downs. We've lost members, we've made enemies, we've gained friends. The adventures we've been lucky enough to experience are so far beyond what most of us could have imagined and we couldn't be happier with how this tour has played out. As we prepare to come back home to Colorado, it's hard not to look proudly at how far as people and as a band we have come. We return home soon, ready for the next chapter of what's to come from The Barefoot Family Caravan!

~Peace, love and rock 'n roll! 

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