From There to Nowhere: A Band's Tale of the Open Road.

So here we finally were, at the end of all of our preperations, and the beginning of what we had been working so hard for. Kiera in fact decided to come along after all and jam out on concertina giving us some new elements. Everything was had come together. We all had new equipment, we had a great show full of original music and tasty covers ready to be heard. We had rehearsed and filled our little time left with shows.

And finally, the last step; Travis was on his way with the bus!

After a few short days Travis and Rene made it to colorado with the bus and the cleaning began.

We had to saw out a few seats that were still rusted to the floor of the bus, scrub down the interior, and power wash the whole thing down before we were able to move all the equipment in. Once we had finished we were ready to get going.

So here we are, once again out on the road in pursuit of our dreams and music as a whole! We ran into a few snags on our first day, had to do some weather proofing, but once we finished we continued onward!

Our first show was going to be in just a few days in Eugene, and a groovy spot called Whirled Pies and we couldn't wait to play! Come back next month to hear the news and stay tuned with The B.F.C Summer Tour!!!